Pastoral Relations Commission
Pastoral Relations Commission Members
Mary Best
Elsie Douglas
Corresponding Secretary
Harold Kenyon
Grant Queskekapow
Sherri McConnell
Ila Swain
Aileen Urquhart
Judy Hare
Pastoral Relations Minister
Cherry Abad
Administrative Support / Recording Secretary
Pastoral Relations Commission
Pastoral Relations Commission Mandate
Pastoral Relations Commission Members
Pastoral Relations Liaisons
Mandate: Pastoral Relations: Regional Council Liaisons (January 2019 l 42 pages)
- Mary Best
- Maria Sabo Berces
- Elizabeth Brown
- Linda Buchanan
- Mona Denton
- Carol Fletcher
- David Howell
- Loraine Kakegamic
- Mel Kauppila
- Harold Kenyon
- Kathy Platt
- Heather Sandilands
- Aileen Urquhart
- Cathie Waldie
- Patrick Woodbeck
- Kristin Woodburke
Pastoral Relations: Regional Council Liaisons (January 2019 l 42 pages)
Pastoral Relations
The Pastoral Relations Commission meets monthly, usually on the 2nd Tuesday* to make decisions on behalf of the Prairie to Pine Regional Council related to new pastoral relationships, requests for changes in pastoral relationships, support of communities of faith in transition through the appointment of pastoral charge supervisors and the appointment of liaisons to assist them in the needs assessment and search processes.
* All documents/matters for the agenda must be received at the Regional Council Office by noon on the Thursday before the meeting.
Pastoral Relations Commission Mandate
- Pastoral Relations Commission Members
- Mary Best, Chair –
- Elsie Douglas, Corresponding Secretary –
- Harold Kenyon
- Sherri McConnell
- Aileen Urquhart
- Grant Queskekapow
- Ila Swain
- Judy Hare, Pastoral Relations Minister –
- Cherry Abad, Administrative Support/Recording Secretary –
- Pastoral Relations Liaisons
- Mandate: Pastoral Relations: Regional Council Liaisons (January 2019 l 42 pages)
- Mary Best
- Maria Sabo Berces
- Elizabeth Brown
- Linda Buchanan
- Mona Denton
- Carol Fletcher
- David Howell
- Loraine Kakegamic
- Mel Kauppila
- Harold Kenyon
- Kathy Platt
- Heather Sandilands
- Aileen Urquhart
- Cathie Waldie
- Patrick Woodbeck
- Kristin Woodburke
- Regional Council Policies and Resources
- Pastoral Relations Commission: Pastoral Charge Supervisors This policy outlines the responsibilities of pastoral charge supervisors as noted in The Manual (2019) and how this policy is lived out within the Prairie to Pine Regional Council.
- List of Pastoral Charge Supervisors
- Pastoral Relations Commission: Length of Appointments (March 2019)
- Pastoral Relations Commission: Part-Time Ministry Policy This policy outlines the parameters for position descriptions for solo part time ministry situations within the Prairie to Pine Regional Council based on a commitment to making full scope of ministry available to Communities of Faith where possible.
- Resource for Living Faith Stories A supplementary resource developed by Canadian Shield Regional Council to assist Communities of Faith to think about the context of their living faith story.
- ChurchHub Help Sheets
- Denominational Resources for Communities of Faith – United Church of Canada Links
- Pastoral Relations Community of Faith (January 2019 l 50 pages) Pastoral Relations Policy and Procedures
- Pastoral Relations: Resources for Community of Faith (January 2019 l 26 pages) Additional tools for a community of faith in the pastoral relations process, including sample bulletin inserts about pastoral relations, worksheets for the community of faith profile, sample interview questions, and worksheets for the search team.
- Liturgy for Covenanting Services An Act of Covenanting for a New Pastoral Relationship within a Community of Faith (Worship Resources-Milestones and transitions)
- 2020 Minimum Salaries and Reimbursement for Ministry Personnel
- Congregational Designated Ministers April 2019
- Pastoral Relations Resources for Ministry Personnel
- Pastoral Relations: Ministry Personnel (January 2019) Policies and Procedures for Ministry Personnel engaging the pastoral relations process.
- Forms
- All forms once completed must be returned to:
- Record of Call or Appointment Form (March 2019 l 5 pages)
- Minutes
- January 8, 2019 Pastoral Relations Commission (abridged)
- February 12, 2019 Pastoral Relations Commission (abridged)
- March 12, 2019 Pastoral Relations Commission (abridged)
- April 9, 2019 Pastoral Relations Commission (abridged)
- May 7, 2019 Pastoral Relations Commission (abridged and not yet received by Regional Council Executive)
- June 11, 2019 Pastoral Relations Commission (abridged and not yet received by Regional Council Executive)
- July 9, 2019 Pastoral Relations Commission (abridged and not yet received by Regional Council Executive)
- New Positions within Prairie to Pine Regional Council Please note that all applications must be submitted through ChurchHub. There is no direct contacting with communities of faith as all applicants must first be cleared by the Office of Vocation as eligible for consideration.
- Beausejour-St. Paul’s United Church
- Carberry United Church
- Cloverdale United Church
- Flin Flon-Northminster Memorial United Church
- Fort Frances-Knox United Church
- Gladstone United Church
- Hamiota Pastoral Charge
- McKenzie United Church
- Miami Pastoral Charge
- Neepawa United Church
- Niverville United Church
- Rivers Pastoral Charge
- Rock Lake Pastoral Charge
- Roland Pastoral Charge
- Sioux Lookout-St. Andrew’s United Church
- Souris-St. Paul’s United Church
- St. Mary’s Road United Church
- Swan River- St. Andrew’s United Church
- Are you planning to retire before September 01, 2020?
- What do we need to do if our minister or lay staff require medical absence / sick leave?
- Click here
- Restorative Care Plan Roadmap