A reminder to all Pastoral Charges seeking renewals of appointments for Ministry Personnel that in addition to the submission of the Record of Appointment documents through Church Hub, the following documents must be sent directly to the Pastoral Relations Minister by email (jhare@united-church.ca) or mail (Prairie to Pine Regional Council, 1622B St. Mary’s Road, Winnipeg, MB R2M 3W7) BEFORE the motion can be placed on the agenda of the Pastoral Relations Commission:
- Minutes containing motion by the governing body or Community of Faith/Pastoral Charge when appointment was approved
- Yearend Financial statement including all accounts for 2020
- Year to Date Financial statement at least for the first quarter ending, March 31, 2021
- New position description if any changes were made since last approval/renewal in mid-2020
Absolute deadline for the submission of these materials for renewals effective July 01, 2021 is noon on June 03, 2021. Questions can be directed to the Pastoral Relations Minister, Judy Hare or to Chair of Pastoral Relations Commission, Mary Best (mebest19@mymts.net)