Your Nominating Committee has a number of openings for the new year (and earlier!). These include the Annual Meeting Planning Committee; the Fred Douglas Society board; and the Nominating Committee itself.

Please consider your own call, and whether there are people you know who you might approach or invite the committee to talk with. Unsure, or need more details? Committee members are very happy to talk over options with you. Your support and ideas are greatly appreciated as we carry out the ministry of the Regional Council together.

Annual Meeting Planning Committee    (6 – 8 openings)

The Annual Meeting Planning Committee is responsible for organizing and planning the annual meeting of the P2P regional council, which consists of church members and ministry staff from across Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario.

The 2022 P 2 P Regional Meeting is scheduled to be an online-only meeting held on May 6 (evening) and May 7 (day). There will be technical support available.

Membership of this committee consists of up to 8 individuals from across the region, including a representative from the Regional Council Executive and relevant Regional Council staff.

Tasks include planning for, or finding volunteers to plan and organize:

  • worship,
  • segments focused on program or theme,
  • business sessions and
  • recognitions of retirees and in-memoriams.

Nominating Committee: 2 – 3 more members from across the Region:

The Nominating Committee works to match the skills and passions of members of Prairie to Pine Region with vacancies on specific committees, commissions and task groups. The Committee maintains an updated handbook containing the composition, terms of reference and tasks of all the Committees of the Region. Members should have a wide knowledge of the people available to regional work and their gifts and skills or be willing to have conversions with members and find out! Functions with 1 Cor 12 in mind. Meetings are held by Conference Call or Zoom and are usually in the early evening.

Fred Douglas Society Inc

2 members to be appointed by the Prairie to Pine Region, United Church of Canada.

Fred Douglas Society Inc. is an arm’s length outreach ministry of the United Church of Canada, with a mission that includes: to own, build, care for and manage care facilities and housing for seniors and the elderly, and to provide if required food and lodging. Currently Fred Douglas Society is working with the intention of changing its status with the United Church of Canada from a Supervised Incorporated Ministry (Category 1) to an Independent Incorporated Ministry (Category 2). Until that process is completed the Region is to provide two UCC appointees. At this time the bylaws state that “The Board of Directors consists of a minimum of seven directors and a maximum of fifteen directors that govern the affairs of the Corporation. At least one, and a maximum of two voting directors are to be appointed by the Prairie to Pine Region as a representative of the United Church of Canada.”

Board members should have strong governance skills and experience in organizational management. Board Meetings take place over Zoom on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 5:30, generally for approx. two hours. For more information on Fred Douglas Society, go to