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Regional Council COVID-19 lay leaders’ check ins, April

Everyone, especially lay leaders: Wednesdays at 5:30 PM in BC; 6:30 PM AB, SK, NWT; 7:30 MB and NW Ontario. Some meetings will have specific resource people and others will be general check ins. Prairie to Pine, Living Skies, and Northern Spirit Regional Councils will hold ministry personnel and lay leadership check-ins every week. Some […]

Regional Council COVID_19 ministry personnel check-ins, April and May

Ministry personnel only, please: Tuesdays at the times below, until further notice. If you can’t make your Regional Council’s time, you’re welcome to join one of the other gatherings. Prairie to Pine: 3:00 PM in MB and NW ON. Northern Spirit: 1:30 pm MDT (AB and NWT); 12:30 pm PDT (BC) Living Skies: […]

Regional Council COVID-19 ministry personnel check-ins, April and May

Ministry personnel only, please: Tuesdays at the times below, until further notice. If you can’t make your Regional Council’s time, you’re welcome to join one of the other gatherings. Prairie to Pine: 3:00 PM in MB and NW ON. Northern Spirit: 1:30 pm MDT (AB and NWT); 12:30 pm PDT (BC) Living Skies: […]

Tri-Region Lay Leadership meeting

(NOTE: TRI-Region Lay leadership Wednesday evening meetings are now occasional only.  Please watch the calendar.) Wednesday May 13: Topic: Questions and answers for re-opening your churches. Please share this note with your board chair, ministry personnel or anyone who wants to be involved in the conversation.  5:30PM in BC; 6:30PM in SK/AB/NWT; 7:30PM in MB/NO.  Meeting link: […]

Regional Council COVID-19 ministry personnel check-ins, April and May

Ministry personnel only, please: Tuesdays at the time below, until further notice.  3:00 PM in MB and NW ON. Prairie to Pine Regional Council will hold ministry personnel and lay leadership check-ins every week. Some may have specific information sessions as the situation evolves, but we’ll also take time for prayer and connecting with […]

Regional Council COVID-19 ministry personnel check-ins, April and May

Ministry personnel only, please: Tuesdays at the time below, until further notice.  Prairie to Pine: 3:00 PM in MB and NW ON. Prairie to Pine Regional Council will hold ministry personnel and lay leadership check-ins every week. Some may have specific information sessions as the situation evolves, but we’ll also take time for prayer […]


Regional Council COVID-19 ministry personnel check-ins

Ministry personnel only, please: Tuesdays at the time below, until further notice.  Prairie to Pine: 3:00 PM in MB and NW ON. Prairie to Pine Regional Council will hold ministry personnel and lay leadership check-ins every week. Some may have specific information sessions as the situation evolves, but we’ll also take time for prayer […]

Governing Bodies and Ministry Personnel Gathering-June 10, 2020

This is another opportunity for members from governing bodies and Ministry Personnel from Prairie to Pine Regional Council to gather together  in a ZOOM meeting to discuss any matters related to making  decisions and  developing plans for re-opening  of buildings. Meeting Link: Joining by phone only: Please dial 1-647-558-0588; Meeting ID: 932 1948 6638 […]

Congregational Finances Webinar

Erik Mathiesen and Clyde Harris are back with another webinar on Congregational Finances tomorrow, June 24 at 7:00 p.m. EDT. This week they'll talk about the Federal government’s $40K small business loan program. Initially excluded in April, the Canadian Emergency Business Account (CEBA) is now available to churches that meet the other eligibility criteria, notably […]

Prairie to Pine Ministry Personnel Zoom Connection

As Ministry Personnel look to the fall and what ministry might look like for them in September, the Prairie to Pine Pastoral Relations Minister invites you to gather together for 90 minutes on Tuesday, August 25th, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. (Central time) with her and one another through ZOOM. The plan is for check –in […]

Prairie to Pine Regional Council