This committee is responsible for the support of those in designated categories of lay ministry (congregational designated ministers (CDM), licensed lay worship leaders (LLWL) and sacraments elders) including oversight of policies related to them, monitoring of credentials and procedures related to initial designation and continued designation for such ministries. This committee has a minimum of 3 members and is accountable to the Regional Council, through the Regional Council Executive. Any matters requiring formal decisions are sent to the Regional Council Executive for action. In the former structure, much of the work of this committee was done by the Education, Students and Church Vocations Committee of the Presbyteries.

Committee on Lay Ministry Support Mandate

Committee on Lay Ministry Support Members

Don Schau (OM)

Doug Neufeld (OM)

Marg Scott (DM-Retired)

Jim Warburton (LLWL)

Hope Mattus (LLWL)

Judy Hare

Pastoral Relations Minister-Staff Support

Regional Council Policies and Resources
Educational Resources, Courses or Events

United in Learning –LLWL Training


Additional Educational Resources, Courses or Events. (Please note that at any given time these locations may or may not have courses or learning opportunities that are open to those not in a degree program or those who are not ministry personnel. There will be “continuing education events” advertised in the Regional Council Weekly News that may NOT be listed on this page)

Centre for Christian Studies

Sandy Saulteaux Spiritual Centre

St. Andrew’s College

The United Theological College

Toronto School of Theology (TST)

Vancouver School of Theology (VST)

Atlantic School of Theology (AST)

Canadian Mennonite University (CMU)

The United Centre for Theological Studies