PDF version of this letter.
This letter was emailed directly to all Regional Council delegates on 11 March 2022.
Greetings to all delegates to Prairie to Pine Regional Council from your Nominating Committee, and all in the wider Regional Council community,
Prairie to Pine needs your help! Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 tells us that “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labour: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.” These are good words to keep in mind as we begin the work of seeking people for the committees of the regional council for the coming year.
The committees, working groups and executive of Prairie to Pine Regional Council are powered by United Church volunteers who discern a call to serve the wider church. The P2P Nominating Committee is working to fill positions on various committees for the next church year. The Annual Meeting is scheduled for May 6 & 7 and time is passing quickly.
We are sending this email to everyone who attended last year’s annual meeting – most of you are the members of Prairie to Pine Regional Council. We are asking you to carefully review the list of volunteer opportunities with Prairie to Pine for the coming year. What do you have experience in, or excitement and passion for?
You are also a representative from your community of faith, or ministry personnel. You know your community well. We are also asking for your help identifying those people who may be a good candidate for any of the positions listed below (please keep scrolling!). As you take time to review the list included in the call for nominations, please think about your interests, but also consider who around you may have the interest and the skills for the work. You might speak to them and encourage them to apply. Or you might ask if you can pass their name and contact information on to the P2P Nominating committee. We can contact individuals and give them more information about these volunteer opportunities. Our committee is carefully discerning the balance, passions, experience, and new voices for all committees in the Prairie to Pine Region.
If you feel called to one of these positions, or know someone who may be a good fit, please fill out this form online, or email a member of the nominations team . More details regarding the work of each of the commissions and committees can be found on the Prairie to Pine website at https://staging.prairietopinerc.ca/ or by clicking on the links below!
With thanks in advance for giving this your thoughtful attention.
Prairie to Pine Nominating Committee
Teresa Melnychuk Frances Flook Betty Kelly
Anna Stewart Joey Dearborn
Volunteer Opportunities with Prairie to Pine Region 2022 – 2023
Prairie to Pine Executive: 2 opportunities
- To enable the work and witness of The United Church of Canada within the boundaries of this Region by
- Acting for the Region between its annual meetings, and
- Exercising oversight of its Committees and Task Groups.
- To find out more information about this committee, please contact the office at prairietopine@united-church.ca, and they can put you in touch with the Executive co-chairs.
Property Commission: 1 opportunity
One member – Preferably from outside Winnipeg. The Commission usually meets by conference call with the meetings often scheduled for 9:00 in the morning.
For more information about this Commission, click here.
Nominating Committee: 2 opportunities
2 members from across the Region, ideally with one member from Winnipeg: The Nominating Committee recommends persons to be appointed by Prairie to Pine Region or its Executive, to serve as members of its Commission and Committees, and if required as representatives to General Council. Members should have a wide knowledge of the people available to regional work and their gifts and skills or be willing to have conversations with members and discuss what they find life-giving! Meetings are held monthly, by Zoom and are usually in the early evening.
For more information, click here.
Committee on Ministry Personnel Support: 2 opportunities
Two members required with at least one member from the western portion and/or northern part of the Region. This Committee encourages and supports Ministry Personnel toward health, joy and excellence in ministry practice through educational events or retreats (beyond the required mandated trainings which will be the responsibility of Office of Vocation), gatherings and the provision of pastoral care especially for Retired Ministry Personnel and for all in times of difficulty. This Committee also provides support for clusters or networks involving Ministry Personnel.
For more information, click here.
Committee on Community of Faith Support: 2 opportunities
Two members from across the Region. This Committee assists the Communities of Faith, Ministry Personnel and/or Pastoral Charge Supervisors to Develop their initial Covenants with the Region. It is also responsible for receiving and reviewing the annual self-assessments based on these Covenants from The Communities of Faith. It assists with training to ensure communities of faith are safe, healthy and vital ministries and in compliance with church and government requirements. This Committee also provides support to clusters and networks connected to Communities of Faith.
For more information, click here.
Committee on Lay Ministry Support: 2 opportunities
- Responsible for the support and oversight of those in designated categories of lay ministry (congregational designated ministers (CDM), licensed lay worship leaders (LLWL) and sacraments elders)
- To find out more information about this committee, click here.
Pastoral Relations Liaisons: 5 – 7 opportunities
- To work directly with Communities of Faith to assist them with the ministry profile and search processes,
- Work under the Pastoral Relations Commission
. An orientation session to this role is provided and required. To find out more information about this committee, click here.
Equity and Diversity Committee: 2 opportunities
The work of the Equity and Diversity Committee involves engaging the people of the Regional Council in education and advocacy on systemic barriers and diverse identities such as sexual orientation, gender identity, race, abilities, mental health, and more.
For more information please contact the office at prairietopine@united-church.ca, and they can put you in touch with the committee.
Annual Meeting Planning Committee for 2023. This is hoped to be an in-person Annual Meeting (6 – 8 openings)
It is hoped this committee can be in place early in order to begin planning for the 2023 in person meeting. Role:
– To prepare plans and budget for the annual meeting of P 2 P Region, and
-To facilitate the flow of business and program during the meeting.
To find out more information about this committee, please contact the office at prairietopine@united-church.ca, and they can put you in touch with the committee.
Fred Douglas Society Inc: 1 opportunity
The Society board includes 2 members to be appointed by the Prairie to Pine Region, United Church of Canada. Meetings are most often a monthly evening meeting by Zoom. The Board of Directors consists of a minimum of seven directors and a maximum of fifteen directors that govern the affairs of the Corporation. At least one, and a maximum of two voting directors shall be appointed by the Prairie to Pine Region as a representative of the United Church of Canada.
Board members should have strong governance skills and experience in organizational management. Board Meetings take place over Zoom on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 5:30, generally for approx. two hours.
For more information regarding Fred Douglas Society Inc. click here.
University of Winnipeg Board of Regents: 2 opportunities
The University of Winnipeg Board of Regents has moved to a Skills Assessment Matrix as part of their selection process. The U of W Board of Regents has asked P2P Nominations to work in conjunction with them to ensure that the individuals named by P2P compliment the balance of skills identified.
For more information regarding University of Winnipeg Board of Regents click here.