As Ministry Personnel look to the fall and what ministry might look like for them in September, the Prairie to Pine Pastoral Relations Minister invites you to gather together for 90 minutes on Tuesday, August 25th, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. (Central time) with her and one another through ZOOM. The plan is for check –in with one another about what the summer has been like and where things are at in your context as some look to re-engaging some activities and/or worship this fall. What will a blended job description look like?
Here are the details for the ZOOM connection:
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Meeting ID: 941 7366 5258
Password: 549670
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+16475580588,,92776672573# Canada
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* Please use local numbers when feasible to save costs for the church. *
+1 204 272 7920
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Meeting ID: 941 7366 5258
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