Denominational Council Resources
Pastoral Relations
Additional tools for a community of faith in the pastoral relations process, including sample bulletin inserts about pastoral relations, worksheets for the community of faith profile, sample interview questions, and worksheets for the search team.
Pastoral Relations: Guidelines for a Community of Faith Profile (December 2019) Best practices and guidance on how to live out mandatory policies and procedures found under I. Pastoral Relations in The Manual and in Pastoral Relations: Policy for a Community of Faith.
Pastoral Relations: Guidelines for Search and Selection (December 2019) Recommended ways to live out mandatory policies and procedures found under I. Pastoral Relations in The Manual and within Pastoral Relations: Policy for a Community of Faith.
Pastoral Relations: Ministry Personnel (December 2019) Policies and Procedures for Ministry Personnel engaging the pastoral relations process.
Liturgy for Covenanting Services An Act of Covenanting for a New Pastoral Relationship within a Community of Faith (Worship Resources-Milestones and transitions)
2020 Minimum Salaries and Reimbursement for Ministry Personnel
Committee on Community of Faith Support
- United Fresh Start
- The Manual, 2019
- Financial Handbook for Congregations 2017
- Ministry and Personnel Committees: Resources, January 2019
- Trustees Handbook
- What Do the Archives Want? A Basic Guide for Congregations
- Copyright Guide for Congregations
- Models of Board Governance 2010
- Faithful Footsteps: Screening Procedures for Positions of Trust and Authority in The United Church of Canada
- A Tender Trust: Helping Churches to Provide Safe Service
- Code of Ethics for Youth Ministry
- Sacraments Elders Handbook
- What you need to k now if you have a cemetery
- Worship Resources
- Stay in Touch, be informed, share ideas
- Now Hear This: Sharing Community of Faith Highlights
- Government Policies
- Provincial and federal regulations, policies, etc.
- Charitable Status – Getting, keeping, restoring, revoking it (
Committee on Ministry Personnel Support
- Pension Plan Summary (2015)
- Restorative Care Plan Roadmap
- Benefits for Active Members: Summary of Coverage
- Benefits for Pensioners: Summary of Coverage
- Pastoral Relations Additional Resources for Retirement (coming soon)
- Retirement and Pastoral Relations
Committee on Lay Ministry Support
Regional Council Resources
Pastoral Relations
- List of Pastoral Charge Supervisors
- Resource for Living Faith Stories A supplementary resource developed by Canadian Shield Regional Council to assist Communities of Faith to think about the context of their living faith story.
- ChurchHub Help Sheets
Committee on Community of Faith Support
- Covenant documents (between Communities of Faith and the Regional Council)
- Covenanting-Service_Communities-of-Faith
- Guidelines for Self-assessment of Community of Faith
- We can’t continue like this – closing amalgamation Jan 29 2020
- Breaking Up a Pastoral Charge Jan 29 2020
- Best Practices- helpful hints for preparing great annual reports, to be developed
- Governance documents -checklist for community of faith covenants, to be developed
Committee on Ministry Personnel Support
- Resources for Ministry Personnel Links to resources and events that might be of interest to ministry personnel, active or retired.
- Education (links to various institutions with continuing education events?)
Committee on Lay Ministry Support
Related Clusters and Networks (will insert links to any identified)
Prairie to Pine Procedures for Initial Licensing as LLWL (yet to be developed)
Prairie to Pine Procedures or Re-licensing as LLWL (yet to be developed)
Educational Resources, Courses or Events
Additional Educational Resources, Courses or Events. (Please note that at any given time these locations may or may not have courses or learning opportunities that are open to those not in a degree program or those who are not ministry personnel. There will be “continuing education events” advertised in the Regional Council Weekly News that may NOT be listed on this page)
Sandy Saulteaux Spiritual Centre
The United Theological College
Toronto School of Theology (TST)
Vancouver School of Theology (VST)
Atlantic School of Theology (AST)